48 Stunden Neukölln Kunst- und Kulturfestival, Berlin, Germany, 2015

LIVEBOAT - Chapter 5
48 Stunden Neukölln Kunst- und Kulturfestival, Berlin, Germany, 2015
Curator: Martin Steffens, interviews: Hadmut Bittiger
You poor wretch,
why do you put Earthshaker Poseidon
in such a furious temper, so that he
keeps stirring up all this trouble for you?
No matter what he wants, he won’t drown you.
It seems to me you’ve got a clever mind,
so do just what I say. Take off these clothes,
and jump out of the raft. Drift with the winds.
But paddle with your hands, and try to reach
the land of the Phaeacians, where Fate says
you will find a shelter. Come on, take this veil–
it’s from the gods—and tie it round your chest.
Then there’s no fear you’ll suffer anything
or drown. But when your hand can grab the shore,
then take it off and throw it far from land
into the winedark sea again and turn away.
Homer, The Odyssey, Book Five
LIVEBOAT — Chapter 5 addresses the ongoing refugee tragedy at our borders and offers space for communication and dialogue. After a long odyssey, an oversized lifeboat runs ashore at Tempelhof Airport. Inside the boat, multilingual extracts from Homer’s Odyssey are intertwined into a sound carpet.
Sound design:
Marco Barotti
Steffi Goldmann
PF Team:
Mirjam Dorsch, Stephanie Grönnert, Hugo Luque, Simone Serlenga, Gabriel Spera
Thanks to:
Hadmut Bittiger, Martin Steffens, Franz Höfner, Markus Wüste, Andrea Klahold, Herr Gessner, Homer
Kindly supported by (for 48 Stunden Neukölln festival):
Aktionsfonds Quartiersmanagement Schillerpromenade, Kulturnetzwerk Neukölln e.V, Bezirksamt Neukölln Fachbereich Kultur, Stiftung Umverteilen! AG dritte welt Hier!, Grün Berlin GmbH
Goetz Arntzen, Serlenga, Canevacci