Plastique Fantastique
Lindower Strasse 22, 13347 Berlin, Germany

Plastique Fantastique is an art duo that creates immersive spatial installations, challenging the notion of reality and the limits of our senses. Each project invites the public to explore an imaginary landscape within the existing world, questioning the paradoxical nature of perception and the complex layers of our surroundings. These (in)visible installations merge art, performance, individual stories, people, and architecture to provide a multisensorial experience that blurs conventional boundaries and transcends the imagination.
It is air which makes inflatables. Not plastic.

Marco Canevacci and Yena Young 

Lucas Sere Peltzer 

Pihla Pellinen, Sebastian Podesta, Carsten Reith

Marco Barotti, Markus Wüste

Al Victor, Martin Abbott, Jana Aliyev, Pietro Balp, Andreas Beer, Plamen Botev, André Broessel, Lorenzo Brusci, Alberto Sanchez Cabezudo, Pietro Caputo, Teresa Caputo, Harriet Collins, Raffaele Distefano, Aurora Dominguez, Mirjam Dorsch, Daniel Felgendreher, Gaia Fugazza, Steffi Goldmann, Àlvaro Gómez-Sellés, Stephanie Grönnert, Jacopo Gallico, Sonia Garcia, Michael Heim, Marc Hernandez, Franz Höfner, Antonia Joseph, Xueqi Huangfu, Hiram Krumm, Jens Löffler, Julia Lipinsky, Hugo Luque, Itxaso Markiegi, Ingo Mende, Manuela Milicia, Giulio Neri, Lucas Seré Peltzer, Katharina Pfaller, Sebastián Andrés Podesta, Lak Poison, Queenie Chong Tzu Huei, Sabrina Pützer, Gianluca Regoli, Nicole Riegel, Cora Röschlein, Cristina Saquillo, Anna Sauter, Simone Serlenga, Lorenzo Soldi, Gabriel Spera, Andreas Steinmann, Christoph Tettenborn, Elena Tonini, Enrico Toso, Maria Turik, Francesca Venier, Markus Vogt, Nicole Wagner, Ragnar Weber, Fritz Wördehoff, Carmen Zedler 

Finanzamt Berlin-Mitte. USt-ID: DE 265677075

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