Rimini Protokoll

Rimini Protokoll
Performed by
Maria-Cristina Hallwachs
Timea Mihályi / Admir Dzinić
Written and directed by Helgard Haug and Daniel Wetzel
Stage / Lighting / Videomapping: Marc Jungreithmeier
Stage: Marco Canevacci (Plastique Fantastique)
Video / Video mapping: Grit Schuster
Music: Barbara Morgenstern
Dramaturgy / Research: Sebastian Brünger
Production Management: Heidrun Schlegel
Directors Assistance and research: Markus Klemenz
Stage Assistance: Ewa Sobczak
Production management Assistance: Caroline Lippert
Stage manager: Hans Beck, Thomas Hoffmann
Directors trainee: Birte Niederhaus
Dramaturgy trainee: Lena Fritschle
A co-production between Rimini Apparat and Schauspiel Stuttgart. Funded by the Department of the Mayor of Berlin – Senate Chancellery – Cultural Affairs.
Photos captured from video
Performance rights: schaefersphilippen Theater und Medien GbR