Floating Utopias

Floating Utopias Exposition
nGbK, neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst, Berlin 2018
In their work „The Woodpecker from the Datablase" artists Marco Barotti and Plastique Fantastique create an urban intervention in the middle of the Oranien Strasse in Berlin Kreuzberg. Robotic Woodpeckers over the entrance of the nGbK gallery transform in real time the invisible radiations used for mobile communication and wireless technology into audible and visible acoustic drumming patterns. An inflatable bubble popping out the gallery window shelters a sensor that feeds the birds with the invisible radiations. „The Woodpecker from the Datablase“ refers to the 1940s „Radome“ antenna by US engineer Walter Bird and makes the electromagnetic radiation surrounding us audible and visible.
„The Woodpecker from the Datablase" is a cooperation between Marco Barotti and Plastique Fantastique.
Concept: Yena Young, Marco Barotti, Marco Canevacci
Plastique Fantastique Team: Carsten Reith, Daniel Felgendreher
Photos: Plastique Fantastique
Floating Utopias Exhibition
Friday, 27 April 2018 — Sunday, 24 June 2018
Adress: nGbK, Oranienstraße 25, 10999 Berlin
Open: Daily 12-19h, Wed-Fri 12-20h
Organized by: neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst
With: Ahmet Öğüt, Ant Farm, Anna Hoetjes, Anika Schwarzlose, Artúr van Balen, Eventstructure Research Group, Franco Mazzucchelli, Graham Stevens, Huw Wahl, Marco Barotti and Plastique Fantastique, The Yes Men, Tomás Saraceno, Tools for Action, UFO
Ever since the first hot-air balloon ascended in 1783, inflatable objects have inspired the imagination of alternative worlds. In the nineteenth century, aerial towns colonized the skies and floating labs surveyed the world. Flying cameras popularized the view from above. Starting in the 1930s, gigantic floats attracted attention to socialist and capitalist mass parades. Along with the ideals of the generation of 1968, inflatable spaces and performances entered into architecture and tested new forms of coexistence.
‘Floating Utopias’ presents the broad range of pneumatic media in an exhibition and accompanying interventions in urban space. The project juxtaposes historical and contemporary works and raises questions as to their potential for artistic and activist practices. Until today, inflatable objects serve as tools for aesthetic and political interventions: artists and activists situate their works between surreality and functionality, fiction and fact. Inflatables invite us to be playful and disobedient, they forge communities and prompt participation, generate attention and agency.
nGbK project group:
Artúr van Balen, Fabiola Bierhoff, Alexander Dunst, Anna Hoetjes, Jantien Roozenburg, Hannah Zindel
Floating Utopias

Floating Utopias Exposition
nGbK, neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst, Berlin 2018
In their work „The Woodpecker from the Datablase" artists Marco Barotti and Plastique Fantastique create an urban intervention in the middle of the Oranien Strasse in Berlin Kreuzberg. Robotic Woodpeckers over the entrance of the nGbK gallery transform in real time the invisible radiations used for mobile communication and wireless technology into audible and visible acoustic drumming patterns. An inflatable bubble popping out the gallery window shelters a sensor that feeds the birds with the invisible radiations. „The Woodpecker from the Datablase“ refers to the 1940s „Radome“ antenna by US engineer Walter Bird and makes the electromagnetic radiation surrounding us audible and visible.
„The Woodpecker from the Datablase" is a cooperation between Marco Barotti and Plastique Fantastique.
Concept: Yena Young, Marco Barotti, Marco Canevacci
Plastique Fantastique Team: Carsten Reith, Daniel Felgendreher
Photos: Plastique Fantastique
Floating Utopias Exhibition
Friday, 27 April 2018 — Sunday, 24 June 2018
Adress: nGbK, Oranienstraße 25, 10999 Berlin
Open: Daily 12-19h, Wed-Fri 12-20h
Organized by: neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst
With: Ahmet Öğüt, Ant Farm, Anna Hoetjes, Anika Schwarzlose, Artúr van Balen, Eventstructure Research Group, Franco Mazzucchelli, Graham Stevens, Huw Wahl, Marco Barotti and Plastique Fantastique, The Yes Men, Tomás Saraceno, Tools for Action, UFO
Ever since the first hot-air balloon ascended in 1783, inflatable objects have inspired the imagination of alternative worlds. In the nineteenth century, aerial towns colonized the skies and floating labs surveyed the world. Flying cameras popularized the view from above. Starting in the 1930s, gigantic floats attracted attention to socialist and capitalist mass parades. Along with the ideals of the generation of 1968, inflatable spaces and performances entered into architecture and tested new forms of coexistence.
‘Floating Utopias’ presents the broad range of pneumatic media in an exhibition and accompanying interventions in urban space. The project juxtaposes historical and contemporary works and raises questions as to their potential for artistic and activist practices. Until today, inflatable objects serve as tools for aesthetic and political interventions: artists and activists situate their works between surreality and functionality, fiction and fact. Inflatables invite us to be playful and disobedient, they forge communities and prompt participation, generate attention and agency.
nGbK project group:
Artúr van Balen, Fabiola Bierhoff, Alexander Dunst, Anna Hoetjes, Jantien Roozenburg, Hannah Zindel