Polytech Festival, Moscow

POLYTECH FESTIVAL, Gorky Park, Moscow, Russia, 27 -28 May 2017
DOUBLE HEART is a pneumatic roundabout that collects heartbeats of random people and transforms them into a collective soundscape.
The large 8-shaped architecture is designed to be squeezed between trees in Gorky Park. Special sensors measure and compare heartbeats of different visitors, revealing endless variability of these rhythmic patterns. The beats are transmitted in real-time by an integrated polyphonic sound system. DOUBLE HEART absorbs frequencies of human bodies and seeks for possible compatibility between strangers and beloved, questioning the match as atonal repulsion or natural attraction.
The final configuration of the installation was decided during a public workshop taking place one week before the festival in ZIL Cultural Center / Культурный центр ЗИЛ.
Anna Titovets Intektra
Project manager:
Ksenia Lukina
Workshop participants:
Аксёнов Дмитрий
Анисимовец Анастасия
Байбурина Земфира
Боброва Полина
Воробьева Тамара
Зайченко Наталия
Коваленко Анастасия
Коваленко Ульяна
Крылова Ольга
Кузнецова Ольга
Лесникова Ольга
Мусрепов Анвар
Нефёдова Ксения
Орехова Наталия
Осипова Дарья
Поляков Виктор
Пучкова Александра
Ремнёва Ольга
Родичева Дарья
Соколов Дмитрий
Хестанти Аля
Ходжамамедова Мяхри
Шарыгина Дарья
Marco Barotti
• Polytech - Festival of Science, Art and Technology •
Polytech Festival, Moscow

POLYTECH FESTIVAL, Gorky Park, Moscow, Russia, 27 -28 May 2017
DOUBLE HEART is a pneumatic roundabout that collects heartbeats of random people and transforms them into a collective soundscape.
The large 8-shaped architecture is designed to be squeezed between trees in Gorky Park. Special sensors measure and compare heartbeats of different visitors, revealing endless variability of these rhythmic patterns. The beats are transmitted in real-time by an integrated polyphonic sound system. DOUBLE HEART absorbs frequencies of human bodies and seeks for possible compatibility between strangers and beloved, questioning the match as atonal repulsion or natural attraction.
The final configuration of the installation was decided during a public workshop taking place one week before the festival in ZIL Cultural Center / Культурный центр ЗИЛ.
Anna Titovets Intektra
Project manager:
Ksenia Lukina
Workshop participants:
Аксёнов Дмитрий
Анисимовец Анастасия
Байбурина Земфира
Боброва Полина
Воробьева Тамара
Зайченко Наталия
Коваленко Анастасия
Коваленко Ульяна
Крылова Ольга
Кузнецова Ольга
Лесникова Ольга
Мусрепов Анвар
Нефёдова Ксения
Орехова Наталия
Осипова Дарья
Поляков Виктор
Пучкова Александра
Ремнёва Ольга
Родичева Дарья
Соколов Дмитрий
Хестанти Аля
Ходжамамедова Мяхри
Шарыгина Дарья
Marco Barotti
• Polytech - Festival of Science, Art and Technology •