48 Stunden Neukölln 2011. Luxus is the theme of this year’s festival. The Passage is the heart of the festival where to find all the informations about 48 Stunden Neukölln. During one weekend RINGdeLUXE embraces the Passage’s “waistline“ and façade – a gorgeous project for a glamorous neighborhood! It is not gold all that glitters – Plastique Fantastique! RINGdeLUXE is a Plastique Fantastique project in co-production with Kulturnetzwerk Neukölln e.V. and the Neuköllner Oper.

Team: Marco Barotti, Marco Canevacci, Stephanie Grönnert, Antonia Joseph, Christina Kämper, Manuela Milicia, Helmut Topp, Markus Wüste, Elena Zielinski
Photos: Marco Canevacci, Markus Wüste

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